Texas Farm and Home Magazine – May 2016
. Melody Acres Ranch was published in the Texas Farm & Home - May 2016.
THE MEDICINE CHEST This list contains many items I feel should be a in a cattle persons medicine chest: PROBIACIN "Stomach bugs" - to reintroduce stomach flora after stress or antibiotics or diarrhea ELECTROLYTE POWDER - for dehydration from heat, diarrhea...
Is The ( Genetically Modified) Cat out of the ($) Bag???
Is The ( Genetically Modified) Cat out of the ($) Bag??? In this period of fast paced technology, our generation has been privileged to see the advent of the Nuclear Age, the Computer Age and the Space Age. These all came in through very few labs and most...
Tattooing – A Basic Review
Tattooing A Basic Review Proper Identification of your animals is a breeders' first responsibility. This is accomplished by correct tattooing in both ears with a combination of letters and numbers. The first thing a breeder must do is apply for their ranch...
Small Cattle Brings Big Dividends Melody Acres Raising Lowlines
Small Cattle Brings Big Dividends Melody Acres Raising Lowlines As several Lowline cattle come toward her, Patricia Seeley comments on how docile this particular breed of cattle is. The short, stocky cows behave more like dogs than cattle. Human contact...
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